Friday, February 28, 2020

Table Talk of Adolf Hitler During World War Two Essay

Table Talk of Adolf Hitler During World War Two - Essay Example Part of his rich history emanates from the table talk he had mostly at meal times between 1941 and 1944. Hitler table talks emanate from writings by Henry Picker and Heinrich Heim who took his mealtime conversations. Later on, the excerpts of the Hitler table talk featured ion Hermann Rauschning’s book called, Conversations with Hitler. Hitlers Table Talk of 1941-1944 describes the private, off the record, and informal conversations of Hitler’s view about his enemies and friends, his secret dreams and ambitions, and most of all about religion especially Christianity (Kelvin Web). However, Hitler did not allow the audio, film, or broadcast recording of his table talk conversations. Hence, the issue of reliability of the written conversations by his scribes has always been there. Nevertheless, the table talks demonstrate divergent views of Hitler on religion especially Christianity. From the table talks, Hitler says that he shall never come to terms with the Christian lie and confirms that their epoch will kill the disease of Christianity. However, it is notable in his talks that he never spoke against Jesus or Christianity per see. Indeed, he goes ahead to praise Jesus and supported organized religion in a religious sense but criticized its organization in a political sense (Kelvin Web).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Disability Definitions Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Disability Definitions Analysis - Research Paper Example IDEA defines what these disabilities are, and who is eligible to receive education based on their unique needs. This paper will look into some of the descriptions of the disabilities under the IDEA, and what characteristics and features are in place to identify these individual needs. Learning disability: Under the IDEA, this is a disorder where normal psychological processes involved in the using of language, or understanding are able to manifest in a manner that fosters an imperfect inability to either think or listen. In the IDEA definition, there is the inclusion of conditions that count as learning disabilities. These include: brain injury the student may have, brain dysfunction, dyslexia (reading disability), and/or perceptual disabilities (Kaufman & Kaufman, 2001). However, learning difficulties, for example, emotional disturbance and economic disadvantages, do not fall under this definition. Mental retardation: Under IDEA, this is the lack of cognitive abilities. This means that these individuals face limitations when it comes to social skills, taking care of themselves, and issues with communication. Students with mental retardation are typically slower than the rest of the students. These cognitive disabilities render the student much slower when it comes to speech. They also have problems taking care of their personal needs while in school (Burns, 2006). Emotional behavioural disturbance: Under the IDEA’s definition, it is a condition that renders a child with sub average intellectual functioning. This is a disability that cannot be explained by health or intellectual factors. The presence of some factors over a long period might indicate that a student is incapable of maintaining a steady educational environment. Deficits in adaptive behaviour, according to the act, affect the child, hence affecting their educational environment (Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2007). In learning disabilities, there are no factors that affect the student from the